Week of Prayer & Fasting | Day 5 | Friday 13th January

Dear eNews Friends & Family,Thank you for joining us for day 5 of our week of prayer and fasting as we work through the Lord's Prayer, praying into a specific point each day. Please click on the video below where Theresa Akintaro will lead us in prayer today:

Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil
Today there is a variety of opportunities to join together in prayer, online and in person:
  • 7:15am - going us on Zoom or Facebook
  • 10:30am - If you are in Edinburgh join us in the Leith Location (Not Online) 
  • 11pm - join us on zoom 

You can connect to the online meetings above using the details below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84335110895?pwd=b2krZWh4SVFHaUk5a2FSbVNQdHU0QT09 Meeting ID: 843 3511 0895Passcode: Praywithus


Week of Prayer & Fasting | Day 6 | Saturday 14th January


Week of Prayer & Fasting | Day 4 | Thursday 12th January